
There are many reasons why people seek time and space to talk and reflect

You might want to talk about thoughts and feelings that are difficult to discuss with others, or consider what has happened to bring you to this point in your life.  This can be a space for exploration and discovery, a protected hour in which you will be listened to.

I provide time and space for you to talk and reflect. My focus is on listening openly, without judgment, to whatever you bring.  I will listen to your experiences and your point of view and together we can look at different perspectives which can help you to live more freely.

I am particularly interested in what goes on beneath the surface of our lives – our dreams and fantasies, how and why we do certain things without realising, or why patterns keep repeating in life without us being aware of them.

I offer counselling and psychotherapy for people living or working in Bristol.  Click on the links to find out more about what I offer, my qualifications and experience, fees, and how to get in touch.  I look forward to hearing from you.

[Photo by Ev Sekkides]